Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Who is the 'Owner' of Your FIM Project?

Like many IT projects or investments, Fresh Item Management (FIM) must be embraced by all stakeholders to ensure success and maximum return on investment.  One way to be sure that all of the stakeholders involved communicate and work together is by designating a FIM Coordinator. 
You may be asking yourself: What is a FIM Coordinator?  Well, there’s no one answer for that question.  A simple answer is that a FIM coordinator is the person within your organization that ‘owns’ all aspects of the FIM project.  He or she is the one that bridges the gap between your FIM provider, in-store personnel, the IT staff at your headquarters, executives, and everyone in between.
FIM helps to manage all areas in your fresh departments, so it’s logical to assume that FIM will have an effect on many aspects of your daily business operations.  The FIM Coordinator is the dedicated person to ensure that all stakeholders are communicating effectively and that FIM is executed as planned by your organization.

Your FIM Coordinator can assess the entire FIM project and help to guide the overall implementation so that the biggest results and ROI’s are seen during your initial implementation phases.  Additionally, FIM requires a culture change in your business and your FIM coordinator can effectively lead the culture change so every stakeholder feels that their needs and concerns are being addressed.
Interested in learning more about the FIM Coordinator role? Contact ADC today so we can help fill in some of the blanks.

Want more information? Click here to contact ADC today.

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